Your SLM(selective laser melting)RPD Framework Solution

How to increase your revenue

Would you like your dental lab to be faster, cheaper and more efficient?

Are you tired of the expensive, slow and unprofessional services? We help you with faster, better, reliable and cost effective solutions. All of this, in one place!

our processes

One-Stop Service

The professional digital 3D printing solution introduces an entirely new dental production process and method of operation to dental labs. With high precision, high efficiency, and low cost, we allow denture manufacturing to develop in a more accurate, efficient, and customized manner. RadianDental SLM-RPD can provide services for the 3D design, 3D Metal printing, and post-processing of denture models.

Product Benefits

Benefit from a proven solution, since more than 500,000 patients have Radian SLM-RPD frameworks worldwide. By combining additive manufacturing (selective laser melting) with a high-quality Dental CrCo alloy, Radian SLM-RPD delivers a product with outstanding fatigue tolerance, precision, and consistency. With fewer corrections, you will save money and time. Our Dental alloy materials are compliant with the EU and FDA regulations and our frameworks come with Ident Alloy® stickers for complete satisfaction.

Product Features

Radian SLM-RPD is capable of producing super complex shapes that cannot be produced by the old traditional casting method - casting can lead to miscasts, porosity, investment inclusions, etc. Our quick delivery and fast turnaround times will provide clients with reliable consistent service, plus we offer full technical customer support. All our metal frameworks are proudly manufactured in the European Union and the USA.

How do we help?

  • Design

  • Plan

  • Print

  • Polish

  • Finish

  • Fit to your model

  • Quality Check

And dispatched within 24 hours

About the service

Radian Dental SLM-RPD helps dental labs. It makes them faster, cheaper, and more efficient. It has unmatched speed and reliability. We can dispatch even on the same day. We provide half-hour planning and personalized tech support for you. Our system increases your revenue and patient satisfaction. We offer state-of-the-art dental solutions and premium quality materials. Discover how Radian Dental can help you develop and grow your lab.

Our prices

SLM - Single coping or Coping bridge finished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Single Coping or Coping bridge Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting to fabricate base alloy cobalt-chrome dental copings.

Price: 6 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

SLM - Single coping or Coping bridge unfinished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Single Coping or Coping bridge Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting to fabricate base alloy cobalt-chrome dental copings.

Price: 4 EUR/USD

Production: 6-12 hour

SLM RPD Frame - CoCr finished + Polished

Radian SLM-RPD utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting to fabricate cobalt-chrome removable partial denture frameworks fast and efficiently.

Price: 69 EUR/USD

Production: 1 day

SLM RPD Frame - CoCr Raw, not polished

CoCr RPD Raw, not polished from the model or your STL

Price: Contact for price

Production: 1 day

SLM Cobalt Chrome Bar unfinished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Bar Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to fabricate custom metal 3D printed SLM printed CoCr bar.

Price: 39 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

SLM Cobalt Chrome Bar - Polished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Bar Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to fabricate custom metal 3D printed SLM printed CoCr bar.

Price: 49 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

SLM 3D Printed Ortho Parts

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Ortho Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to fabricate custom metal 3D printed ortho bands for fixed appliances.

Price: 15-79 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

Milled Titanium Bar

RadianDigital Titanium Implant Bar milled from your design, or have RadianDigital design it.

Price: 149-249 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

All-Ceramic Zirconia for the highest demands

Our branded materials from Ivoclar (IPS e.max® Prime), Origin Beyond, Zirkonzahn Prettau, and EcoZir, UNC Everest inspire with large, complex structures with excellent fit.

Price: from 14 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

(Unfinished crown


Flexible Partial Denture Finished With Model

This partial denture solution includes a finished flexible removable partial denture.

Price: 140 EUR/USD

Production: 24-48 hour

Digital Full Dentures

Radian Digital Dentures is an innovative digital denture product from the Radian Dental Group that utilizes digital technology and covers all your patients needs

Price: 150 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

Digital Dental Design Outsourcing Services

Provide outsourcing professional services CAD design for dental laboratories and clinics.

Price: 3 EUR/USD

Design Time:

1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 hour

Our prices

SLM - Single coping or Coping bridge finished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Single Coping or Coping bridge Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting to fabricate base alloy cobalt-chrome dental copings.

Price: 6 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

SLM - Single coping or Coping bridge unfinished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Single Coping or Coping bridge Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting to fabricate base alloy cobalt-chrome dental copings.

Price: 4 EUR/USD

Production: 6-12 hour

SLM RPD Frame - CoCr finished + Polished

Radian SLM-RPD utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting to fabricate cobalt-chrome removable partial denture frameworks fast and efficiently.

Price: 69 EUR/USD

Production: 1 day

SLM RPD Frame - CoCr Raw, not polished

CoCr RPD Raw, not polished from the model or your STL

Price: Contact for price

Production: 1 day

SLM Cobalt Chrome Bar unfinished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Bar Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to fabricate custom metal 3D printed SLM printed CoCr bar.

Price: 39 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

SLM Cobalt Chrome Bar - Polished

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Bar Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to fabricate custom metal 3D printed SLM printed CoCr bar.

Price: 49 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

SLM 3D Printed Ortho Parts

RadianDigital SLM-RPD Ortho Solutions utilizes advanced Selective Laser Melting (SLM) to fabricate custom metal 3D printed ortho bands for fixed appliances.

Price: 15-79 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

Milled Titanium Bar

RadianDigital Titanium Implant Bar milled from your design, or have RadianDigital design it.

Price: 149-249 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

All-Ceramic Zirconia for the highest demands

Our branded materials from Ivoclar (IPS e.max® Prime), Origin Beyond, Zirkonzahn Prettau, and EcoZir, UNC Everest inspire with large, complex structures with excellent fit.

Price: from 14 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

Flexible Partial Denture Finished With Model

This partial denture solution includes a finished flexible removable partial denture.

Price: 140 EUR/USD

Production: 24-48 hour

Digital Full Dentures

Radian Digital Dentures is an innovative digital denture product from the Radian Dental Group that utilizes digital technology and covers all your patients needs

Price: 150 EUR/USD

Production: 12-24 hour

Digital Dental Design Outsourcing Services

Provide outsourcing professional services CAD design for dental laboratories and clinics.

Price: 3 EUR/USD

Design Time:
1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 hour

Our Prices

SLM - Fém korona váz, fémváz híd kidolgozva

A RadianDigital SLM fém korona váz vagy fémváz híd megoldás a szelektív lézerolvasztást használja a bázisötvözetből készült kobalt-króm fémvázak gyártásához.

Ár: 2.400 HUF

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

SLM - Fém korona váz, fémváz híd kidolgozás nélkül

A RadianDigital SLM fém korona váz vagy fémváz híd megoldás a szelektív lézerolvasztást használja a bázisötvözetből készült kobalt-króm fémvázak gyártásához.

Ár: 1.600 HUF

Gyártási idő: akár 6 óra

SLM Kobalt-króm fémlemez + Polírozva

A Radian SLM-RPD fejlett szelektív lézerolvasztást használ a kobalt-króm kivehető részleges fogsorvázak gyors és hatékony elkészítéséhez.

Ár: 19.000 HUF

Gyártási idő: 1 nap

SLM RPD lemez - Kobalt-króm fémlemez, nem polírozott

CoCr RPD Nyers fémlemez, nem polírozott a modellből vagy az Ön scanjéből vagy modelljéből felár nélkül.

Ár: 15.000 HUF

Gyártási idő: 1 nap

SLM Kobalt-króm Bar-Stég kidolgozás nélkül

A szelektív lézerolvasztott-lézerszinterezett (SLM) kobaltkróm szuperszerkezeti Bár-Stég a Bego kiváló minőségű CoCr ötvözetéből készül.

Ár: 15.000 HUF

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

SLM Kobalt-króm Bar-Stég + Polírozva

Szelektív lézerolvasztott-lézerszinterezett (SLM) kobaltkróm szuperszerkezeti Bár-Stég a Bego kiváló minőségű CoCr ötvözetéből készül.

Ár: 18.000 HUF

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

3D Nyomtatott Egyedi fogszabályozó készülékek

A RadianDigital 3D Nyomtatott Egyedi fogszabályozó készülékekhez a fejlett szelektív lézeres olvasztást (SLM) használjuk.

Ár: 15-79 EUR/USD

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

Mart Titanium Bar-Stég

RadianDigital titán implantátum Bar-Stég , amelyet az Ön STL tervei alapján marunk, vagy a RadianDigital tervezi meg.

Ár: 149 EUR/USD

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

Teljes Kerámia - Anatomikus Zirkónia

Ivoclar (IPS e.max® Prime), Origin Beyond, Zirkonzahn Prettau és EcoZir márkás anyagaink nagyméretű, komplex struktúrákkal és kiváló illeszkedéssel inspirálnak.

Ár: 14 EUR/USD-tól

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

Digitális Rugalmas részleges protézis modellel

Ez a részleges protézis megoldás egy kész rugalmas, kivehető részleges fogsort tartalmaz.

Ár: 140 EUR/USD

Gyártási idő: 24-48 óra

Radian - Digitális műfogsor

A Radian digitális műfogsor a Radian Dental Group innovatív digitális műfogsor terméke, amely a digitális technológiát használja.

Ár: 150 EUR/USD

Gyártási idő: 12-24 óra

Digital Dental Design Outsourcing Services

Kiszervezett szakmai szolgáltatások CAD tervezés fogászati laboratóriumok és klinikák számára.

Ár: 3 EUR/USD-tól

Tervezési idő:
1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 óra

a word from our partners

The RadianDental made our work easier and lowered our costs. The material quality is excellent and we make fewer mistakes. We are incredibly satisfied with the system!

With the introduction of Radian Dental our lab’s efficiency significantly grew. With the help of the tools and the software: we work faster, quicker and waste less material. I could only recommend it to every lab!

Radian Dental’s team saved a significant amount of money and material for us. Because of the faster and more precise work, our customers are more satisfied. It was an excellent choice! 

we fully support you

If you want to improve your dental laboratory contact us today!

High-quality manufacturing from Debrecen, Hungary, in the heart of Eastern Europe!

+36 70 353 4000

[email protected]

Click the button to send me a message on WhatsApp, or use the form below to book an appointment at your convenience.

Let's begin!

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Radian Dental SLM-RPD

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© Copyright 2024.

Radian Dental SLM-RPD

All Rights Reserved